

Also known as the "King of Spices", pepper or Pepper Nigrum is one of the precious commodities that is traded globally in Malaysia. The pepper, mainly cultivated by smallholders, is one of the important Agricomodities in the country. Despite keen competition from other major producing countries, especially Viet Nam and Indonesia, demand for Sarawak Pepper remains high due to its premium quality and unique aroma. Today, Malaysia is ranked fifth in the world for producing pepper.

In 2020, pepper production in Malaysia registered a significant growth driven by productivity improvements. Production has reached 30,804 tonnes compared to only 24,227 tonnes in 2010. Pepper yield has improved from 4.4 tonnes per hectare to 6.4 tonnes per hectare. This was driven by the increasing demand in the global market and encouraging trend of domestic consumption, resulting in higher prices that encouraged farmers to focus on nurturing their crops.


Sarawak Creamy White Pepper (CWP) is a premium quality pepper which is produced through a natural without using any preservatives or additives with the followings process:

  1. Fully matured pepper berries are hand-harvested and carefully selected.
  2.  The selected berries are soaked in tanks with piped running mountain water under controlled conditions to remove the pericarp. CWP can also be produced by soaking the matured berries in clean and clear running mountain streams.
  3. The constant monitoring of water circulation produces uniformly high-quality CWP. This process also allows the CWP to acquire distinctive aromas and flavours.

CWP is greatly sought after by domestic and international end-consumers as well as importers, especially those in the food and hospitality industry in the US, Japan, China and Singapore. CWP fetches a huge premium, almost 2.5 times more than standard white pepper. 



Lembaga Lada Malaysia (MPB)

The Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) is a Federal Statutory Body under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities Malaysia and was established under the Malaysian Pepper Board Act 2006. The Headquarter is located in Kuching, Sarawak, with two Regional Offices in Johor Bahru. and Kota Kinabalu while nine Branch Offices are located in Sarawak. MPB plays major roles in the development of the pepper industry in terms of research, production and expansion of pepper.

 1. Research

  • Malaysian Pepper Board is the main organization entrusted by the Malaysian government to undertake intensive research study on pepper (Piper nigrum L.), towards sustainable pepper industry from different disciplines such as Biotechnology, Agronomy, Chemistry and development of value-added pepper products.

  • To increase productivity and pepper yield as well as transforming conventional production line from raw material processing to value-added products production.

    • Function:

      1. Conduct research and development activities that will contribute to comprehensive pepper industrial development.
      2. Develop facilities and infrastructure to support pepper research and development activities;
      3. Develop pepper germplasm centre;
      4. Increase downstream activity in pepper industry through development and usage of pepper by-products;
      5. Gathering scientific information for clients;
      6. Publishing and disseminate scientific information to clients;
      7. Providing advisory service and technical advisory service;
      8. Supplying quality pepper cultivation material to meet the needs and development of pepper cultivation,and
      9. Carry out research activity and development from time to time 
    • Upstream sector:

      1. Biotechnological research to develop new varieties of pepper that can produce high yields and resistance to disease infections as well as pests;
      2. Production/development of alternative methods in disease and pest control other than use
      3. Chemical poison;
      4. Production of sustainable cultivation practices; and
      5. Production of environmentally friendly technology.
    • Downstream sector:

      1. Food product research and development; and
      2. Research and development of non -food products.
    • The main activities are as follows:

      1. Kawalan KualitiExtraction of oils and bioactive substances from pepper.
      2. Production of new chemical compounds based on pepper bioactive substances;
      3. Identify the potential of pepper through biological experiments; and
      4. Production of various pepper -based value -added products.

2. Quality Control

  • Quality Control branch under the Research and Development Quality Division of Malaysian Pepper Board offers laboratory analysis / testing for Malaysian pepper. MPB testing labs gained international recognition through the MS ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

  • To ensure the quality and food security standards for pepper export at the international level are fulfilled.

    • Function:

      1. Provide an immediate​, ​reliable ​and recognizable ​​tests, for the quality and safety parameters of pepper and related products, to industrial pepper/spices;
      2. Work closely with the​ pepper​ industry to ​developed/improve value added pepper/spices products;
      3. Transfer relevant knowledge ​and technical ​expertise ​​to the​pepper/spices industry with the aim to assist the industry to be more competitive in the global market; and
      4. Continuously improve technical services to pepper/spices industry.
    • Skop Analisis

      1. Mechanical (Physical) – includes analysis of pepper samples for grading/monitoring purposes for Moisture Content, Extraneous Matter, Light Berries , Mouldy Berries in Whole Black and Whole White Pepper; Black Berries in Whole White Pepper and Particle Size of Ground Black and Ground White Pepper;
      2. Microbiology – analysis to determine the Micro-organism Content in pepper samples. These includes Aerobic Plate Count, Yeasts & Moulds Count, Total Coliforms and Patogenic Bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp;
      3. Intrinsic Chemistry – analysis for natural chemical content determination in pepper samples such as Piperine, Volatile Oil (VO), Non-Volatile Ether Extract (NVEE), Crude Fiber, Total Ash, Acid Insoluble Ash (AIA) and Aroma Profile in Pepper;
      4. Extrinsic Chemistry – analysis done to determine other chemical contaminants present in pepper samples such as Pesticides Residues, Elemental Analysis and Mycotoxin.

 3. Crop Services

  • The Crop Services Division is responsible for increasing the country's pepper production through the involvement of the public, especially the target groups in the field of pepper cultivation and production.

  • The aspiration to increase the country's pepper production can be realized by increasing crop area and pepper productivity through agricultural input provision activities, human capital development, premium / value -added pepper production and crop protection.

  • Development of Pepper Cultivation:
    • Function:

      1. To plan, implement, supervise, monitor and evaluate the Pepper Cultivation Development Program;
      2. To plan, implement, supervise, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Pepper Quality Improvement Project farm level;
      3. To plan, implement, supervise, monitor and evaluate the implementation of Program 1 AZAM (Azam Tani) in Sarawak; and
      4. To plan, coordinate, manage, supervise, implement and evaluate the process of procurement and distribution of agricultural inputs.
    • Activities:

      • Skim Tanaman Lada Baharu;
      • Skim Tanaman Lada Matang;
      • Pengeluaran Lada Premium / Tambah Nilai;
      • Pembangunan Modal Insan Pekebun Lada;
      • Pengumpulan Data Di Lapangan; and
      • Perlindungan Tanaman

 4. Market And Business Development

  • Market and Business Development Division comprising Market Promotion & Entrepreneurship Unit and Market Regulations Unit is involved in developing appropriate promotional tools to select and manage the target markets based on offer, demand, market trends, priorities, and domestic and international strategies pepper business scenario.

  • These involve planning, supervision, conducting, and monitoring the compliance pepper business community to the pepper business regulations to enhance its competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

    • Function:

      1. Abreast of update issues on economics, marketing, statistics and data related to pepper market information;
      2. Market promotion for pepper for both domestic and international;
      3. International pepper trade relations; and
      4. Market regulations
    • Activitites:

      1. Collect, manage, analyze and process data and information on the pepper industry for dissemination to ministry/agency/industry and relevant parties;
      2. Coordinate, organize, and participate in market promotional activities to promote and increase the use of Malaysian pepper in local and overseas markets;
      3. Participate in IPC meetings, ASEAN bilateral meetings, preparation of trade briefs, and other pepper industry matters.
      4. Organize the relevant courses regarding the brand, product, service, communication, pricing, and distribution channel under the pepper entrepreneurial program; and
      5. Carry out law enforcement activities that to be limited to operating within a specified jurisdiction under Act 656 and regulations for licencing, permit and grading of pepper for export and local market

6. Factory Services

  1. The Manufacturing Services Division is a division that provides pepper processing services to pepper industry players in Malaysia as well as providing engineering technical services to the development of the pepper industry as a whole.
  2. Pepper processing activities carried out are:

    1. Physical Cleaning (Dry and wet cleaning) - separate and reduces physical contamination on pepper products;
    2. Steam Treatment - reduces the content of microorganisms in pepper products;
    3. Grinding - grind peppercorns to produce powdered pepper products of various sizes; and
    4. Colour Sorting - used to produce cream white pepper products



Sistem Permohonan Jawatan Kosong (e-jawatan)


E-Penggredan & Permit Lada (ePP)


Sistem Maklumat Industri Lada (SMIL)


Sistem Pangkalan Data Genetik Lada(MPTS)


Purata Harga Lada


Harga Harian Lada


Statistik Industri Lada




Resepi Berasaskan Lada


Amalan Pertanian Yang Baik (GAP)


Manual Penanaman Lada

Pemegang Taruh Industri Lada dan Orang Awam

Borang Pendaftaran Pedagang Lada


Borang Skim Bantuan

Borang Maklum balas dan Aduan

Tawaran Tender dan Sebut Harga

Borang Pendaftaran Usahawan Lada

Borang Permohonan Pembiayaan

Borang Permohonan Pedagang Lada



  • The IPC was established in 1972 under the auspices of the United Nations Economics and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) and is an intergovernmental organization among the world’s pepper-producing countries. The IPC consists of five (5) full member countries namely India, Indonesia, Malaysia (joined the IPC on 22 March 1972), Sri Lanka and Vietnam while Papua New Guinea and the Philippines are associate members.

  • IPC meetings are held annually and are organized on a rotating basis among member countries. The turn of the host country is determined based on Rules 1, Rules of Procedures of the IPC, which states that “The Community shall meet in regular session at least once in each financial year. The Executive Director, in consultation with the Chairman, shall at each session decide the date and place of the following session of the Community”.

  • Each IPC meeting and related committee meetings will involve parties dealing in the pepper industry such as producers, exporters, brokers and also the Government with an estimated total of 400 delegates and participants.







Who are we in general?

  • Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) is a federal statutory body under the Ministry Of Plantation Industries & Commodities, established on 1st January 2007 under the Malaysian Pepper Board Act 2006. MPB head office is located at Kuching, with nine branches in Sarawak and two regional offices in Johor Bahru and Kota Kinabalu. The Board is responsible for the development of the Malaysian Pepper Industry in areas of production, marketing and research. 

Who are we?

  • Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) is a federal statutory body under the Ministry Of Plantation Industries & Commodities, established on 1st January 2007 under the Malaysian Pepper Board Act 2006. MPB head office is located at Kuching, with nine branches in Sarawak and two regional offices in Johor Bahru and Kota Kinabalu.

What Is Our Visions?

  • To be the leading organization in a sustainable pepper industry for the nation’s prosperity.

What Is Our Mission?

  • Meningkatkan sumbangan industri lada kepada pembangunan negara melalui program dan aktiviti yang berkesan serta perkhidmatan yang cemerlang. 

What Is Our Strategic Goals?

  • To increase pepper production and income of pepper planters.
  • To strengthen pepper productivity and competitiveness
  • To ensure sustainability of pepper industry

What is Our Objectives?

  • to promote the planting of pepper;
  • to develop and promote the pepper industry;
  • to promote the research on pepper, pepper products and the pepper industry;
  • to develop national objectives, policies and priorities for the orderly development and administration of the pepper industry of Malaysia; and
  • to regulate the pepper industry except the planting of and research on pepper.

What is Our Function?

  • To implement development policies and programs to ensure the growth and viability of the Malaysian pepper industry;
  • To engage in the pepper trade, the production of black pepper and to expand the trade to other spices;
  • To promote or conduct research and development relating to the pepper industry and trade research findings for the benefit of the pepper industry;
  • To promote, control and monitor measures to obtain high quality pepper, pepper products and other spices;
  • To provide technical, advisory, consulting and related services including training to the pepper industry;
  • To collect, manage and disseminate information and maintain records of all relevant matters relating to the pepper industry;
  • To liaise and coordinate with the relevant State Governments and other bodies including being a member of associations within and outside Malaysia in the interest of the pepper industry; and
  • To do such other things as it deems fit to enable it to perform its functions effectively or which are incidental to the performance of its functions.


For more information on the Pepper Industry, please contact:

    2020 jata mpic 2 20200407 1701486500

Cocoa And Pepper Industry Development Division (IKL)

Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC)

Aras 5, Menara Tulus
Persiaran Perdana, Presint 3,
Telephone No : 603-88921673
Email : ikl [AT] mpi [DOT] gov [DOT] my