Division Background

This Division bears the responsibility to monitor and coordinate the policies, procedures, budgets and issues pertaining to the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil palm industry and the development of the sago industry as well as to monitor and evaluate the implementation of government policies and directives by MPOB, MPOC and MPOCC.


Division Objectives


  • to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the palm oil sector to strengthen and expand local and international markets;
  • to build Malaysia as a center of excellence in the research and development (R&D) of palm oil technology;
  • to increase the contribution of palm oil sector in socio-economic development as well as national economic growth; and
  • to develop a sustainable and environmentally friendly palm oil industry.


Functions and Roles

  • Formulate policies, coordinate strategies and monitor the implementation of the country's palm oil industry competitiveness development program
  • Coordinate and address issues with regards to the upstream and downstream sectors and work closely with other Government Ministries / Departments / Agencies and State Governments
  • Regulate, coordinate and monitor matters pertaining to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and the Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC)
  • Manage the implementation of special programs/events related to the development of the palm oil industry
  • Monitor and address issues related to sustainability and certification of the palm oil industry, conservation and the environment
  • Manage the administrative affairs of the palm oil industry


Organizational Chart

 Under Maintenance



Total export valur of 2020 = RM 73.2 billion

Targeted Export Value for 2021= RM75 billion

Jan-Jun 2021 achievement=  RM47.5 billion; source: DOSM)

Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Certificate (MSPO)


  • Total area certified: 5.207 juta hectare
  • Total mill certified: 428
  • 7 series of Jelajah MSPO programme conducted amongst oil palm planters



  • As of 12 Oct 2021, the website has recorded 576,748 visitors

  • Entries for online contest from 10 Febuary 2021 to 31 December 2021 has recorded 131,623 participants as of 30 September 2021

  • Virtual installation and posters were installed on the side of the main entrance and new posters on 12 door lifts 

  • TV programme Senduk Kuali aired daily has garnered 411,000 views; and total  Ramadhan views had reached 12 million views

  • MPIC Multi-Comodities Raya TVC has garnered 258,000 views

  • A total of 73 billboards to be installed nationwide

  • International programmes conducted in South Asia, Asia Pacific and the Middle East


List of Programmes for 2021/2022

International Palm Oil Economic Colloquium (IPEC) 2021

11 November 2021

Palm Oil Economic Review & Outlook (R&O) Seminar 2022

13 Januari 2022

to be updated from time to time